Publications and presentations in which the TIGR data have been used
- Miecznikowski, J., Geddo, C., & Battaglia, E. (2023). Costruzioni evidenziali intersoggettive basate su verbi riferiti al destinatario Il caso di vedi/vede/vedete+che Intersubjective evidential constructions based on verbs referring to the addressee The case of vedi/vede/vedete+che. Studia Linguistica Romanica, (9), 88-118.
- Battaglia E. (2023, November 6-8). Adding a temporal dimension to evidentiality: incremental categorization of sources of knowledge in spoken Italian. KNOWINT 2023 - Sources of knowledge in talk-in-interaction, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Battaglia, E. (2023, April 19). Towards an interactional account of evidentiality in spoken Italian. Invited talk at the Department of Linguistics, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Battaglia E. & Miecznikowski J. (2022, February 18). Infinita: La categorizzazione delle fonti di informazione nell'interazione faccia a faccia. Una indagine basata sul corpus di italiano parlato TIGR. Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland, online.
- Dendale P. & Miecznikowski J. (2024, July 25). Modalisation et marquage évidentiel. Effets épistémiques de la présence d’un marqueur évidentiel dans l’énoncé : non-prise en charge, plausibilité, non-certitude, quasi-assertion. CERLICO 2024, Nantes, France.
- Geddo C. (2022, January 7). Mobilizing in situ sources of knowledge: embodied conduct in cooperative meal preparations. The Bremen-Groningen Workshops on Multimodality, online.
- Geddo C. (2022, February 7-9). In situ sources of information: practices of knowledge-management in cooperative meal preparations. KNOWINT 2022 - Sources of knowledge in talk-in-interaction. Lugano, Switzerland.
- Geddo C. (2022, February 18). L’evidenzialità nell’interazione orale: per una (ri)analisi multimodale e situata della conoscenza. Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland, online.
- Geddo C. (2023, May 24-26). Conoscenza ed evidenzialità nell’interazione orale: gestione verbale e incorporata delle fonti di informazione in situ nella preparazione collettiva di un pasto. 23rd International Congress of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics, ‘Contesti, pratiche e risorse della comunicazione multimodale’, Arezzo, Italy.
- Miecznikowski J. (2022, February 7-9). The evidential dimension of assessments. KNOWINT 2022 - Sources of knowledge in talk-in-interaction. Lugano, Switzerland.
- Miecznikowski J. (2023, November 6-8). Specifying information source in interaction: the example of noticings. KNOWINT 2023 - Sources of knowledge in talk-in-interaction, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Miecznikowski J. & Battaglia E. (2023, August 29 - September 1). Hearsay sources of information in Italian talk-in-interaction. 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens, Greece.
- Miecznikowski J., Battaglia E., Geddo C. (2021, August 31 - September 3). Addressee-centered evidential markers in talk-in-interaction. The case of Italian vedere+che constructions. 54th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, online.
- Miecznikowski J., Battaglia E., Geddo C. (2023, July 9-14). An utterance-centered corpus-pragmatic approach to the categorization of information source in spoken Italian. 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Miecznikowski J., Battaglia E., Geddo C., Profazi, N,. (2024, June 28). Sharing the TIGR corpus of spoken Italian: an ORD case study (ShareTIGR). 13e Journée de Linguistique Suisse, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Miecznikowski J., Battaglia E., Geddo C., Profazi, N,. (2024, July 25-26). TIGR: Towards a FAIR audio/video corpus of spoken Italian. LingCor2024: Workshop on Spoken Corpus Linguistics, Vienna, Austria.
- Miecznikowski J., Geddo, C. (2021, November 10-12). Argument schemes as tools of semantic analysis. Reconstructing evidential arguments referring to sensory perception. Argumentation and Language (Argage) - 3rd. edition, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Battaglia E., (2022, November). Aspetti sequenziali e pragmatici dell'evidenzialità nell'interazione orale. 12e Journée de Linguistique Suisse, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Geddo C. (2022, November). Evidentiality in spoken language: explicit and implicit communication of perceptual sources in situ. 12e Journée de Linguistique Suisse, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Battaglia E., Geddo C. (2021, July). The categorization of information sources in face-to-face interaction. 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland.
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Battaglia E., Geddo C. (2022, November). The categorization of information sources in face-to-face interaction. A study based on the TIGR corpus of spoken Italian. 12e Journée de Linguistique Suisse, Lausanne, Switzerland.